For generations, native Moroccans have devoted their time in extracting and preparing the best quality argan oil, which also happens to be an age old beauty secret for healthy skin, hair and nails!
All posts by Admin.mooi
Coucou les filles !
Dans ce nouvel article, je vais vous présenter une marque marocaine de cosmétiques naturels. Et pas n’importe laquelle ! Il s’agit de MOOI Cosmetics, une jeune marque en plein développement, et qui a l’ambition de défier .
Check out my thought on these products by Mooi Cosmetics!!!
By @Eboni Curls Blog
Source : L’observateur
Source : Media Marketing
Source : le 15 déc 2016, par Karim Handaoui
Rich in Vitamins A, C & E and essential fatty acids, Mooï Damascena rose water boosts and repairs damaged cells to maintain your skin younger, it purifies, refreshes, softens the skin and calms irritations and redness.
Source : le 14 déc 2017, par Kaoutar Laili
Source : le 18 déc 2017, par Carole http://http—
A real beauty serum, Mooï pure and organic argan oil is very rich in natural and active ingredients, omega 6, vitamin E and antioxidants, which highly contribute to cells renewal.